Our Washington Bureau Chief had briefly mentioned the WeMedia conf. in Miami sometime ago and suggested that it be something we check into. We did, by sending in a half thought out version of a time line we have been compiling over here and moved on. Safe to say, we never heard back. So instead of going, we decided to tie into this conf. virtually. We figured their would be enough going on online that we would feel right at home and on-location. With the state of online aggregation and advocacy being what it is (see #inaug09), we figured we would be right there in the mix.
We were not disappointed. Of course, there is no replacement from actually being somewhere. We missed the face-to-face casual chats, pool side meetings, and local eats. What we got instead was an unfiltered interaction with the community of attendees (est. 200) via local Press (Miami Herald mainly), blogs, Vblogs, Posted articles, and minute by minute Tweets.
There was what seemed like an average of 2/3 Tweets ( every 5/10 minutes or so. We witnessed little self-promotion in the blogosphere, although plenty of that was happening we are sure. The conf. was being streamed live via the site.
Discussions ranged from TV news embracing new media, Knight CEO Says Journalism Losing its Geographic Roots, and WeMedia, or Their Media? amongst many others.
We found the mood to be somewhat gloomy and perhaps for some reason (These are liberals by some people's description) elitist or is it just confidence? Why would We Media not be a highly charged interactive discussion about success and failure scenarios (live!) of the past 2 years of journalism in general and maybe politics specifically. The whole world now has a case study of how the 2008 Obama campaign used New Media to help change the direction of Democracy. The New Media community has clearly entered the next phase of its integration. Citizen 3-D - Rise of the Advocate. This is revolutionary. Capitalism can never be the same.
It was effective, none the less, to see the cross-roads of traditional press and digital journalism. We hope this is a featured subject / component of this conference for years to come. Virtually speaking, we think We Media is an important gathering of interesting and influential people that are living and examining an evolution in journalism history. Perhaps next year, We Media will engage more of the web and the blogosphere as an actual part of the conference and webcast / post (audio or Audio/video) events. To take it a step further, link up early with blogs, active sites and tech writers / pundits as the year progresses in a "grand experiment" of sorts.
None the less, we were there.
Maybe next year, we'll be there. ;)
See: We Media
Pending update. x2-030309
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
We know know that the modern human stemmed from ...
... a split about 300,000 years ago from the Homo gene pool.
According to current carbon dating, Neanderthals appeared about 800,000 years ago.
Does that suggest that "humans evolved in 800,000 years" to what we are today?
This seems like a short period to us considering the Earth is 100's of millions of years old.
Does that suggest that other life forms could have been capable of visiting or evolving in such a time frame?
Why humans?
Scientists Finish First Draft Of Neanderthal Genome
Nano Bio & Anthro:
According to current carbon dating, Neanderthals appeared about 800,000 years ago.
Does that suggest that "humans evolved in 800,000 years" to what we are today?
This seems like a short period to us considering the Earth is 100's of millions of years old.
Does that suggest that other life forms could have been capable of visiting or evolving in such a time frame?
Why humans?
Scientists Finish First Draft Of Neanderthal Genome
Nano Bio & Anthro:
Robots Exoplanets Future Wars Mars
Thursday, February 12, 2009
eObama - Campaign 2008
Repost. 021209
This is a good resource of articles about Barrack Obama and his run for president, with an emphasis on Internet.
e.politics: online advocacy tools & tactics
Learning from the Obama Campaign: Essential Reading
We will be discussing in talk back and forums.
This is a good resource of articles about Barrack Obama and his run for president, with an emphasis on Internet.
e.politics: online advocacy tools & tactics
Learning from the Obama Campaign: Essential Reading
We will be discussing in talk back and forums.
Destroyed Satellite's high speed debris worries scientists...
1. We have no idea what to expect in such a disaster. Nothing.
2. The debris is traveling at 660 ft per sec.
3. This could set off a chain reaction of events that puts the Space Station and other satellites in trouble.
Will their be interplanetary cooperation? NASA's debris experts are working on the situation now with Russian counterparts.
1. We have no idea what to expect in such a disaster. Nothing.
2. The debris is traveling at 660 ft per sec.
3. This could set off a chain reaction of events that puts the Space Station and other satellites in trouble.
Will their be interplanetary cooperation? NASA's debris experts are working on the situation now with Russian counterparts.
Why Newspapers don't matter anymore...
blogging: notes
Discussing the prediction of the end of the print Newspaper in its current form, paper and ink. (Suburban local's and large city dailies will go first.)
Counter control:
Harness the full effect of the local blogging / digital journalism interactive model. Devise relationships and aggregation ideas.
1. Identify the most influential journalists and bloggers, SN sites,and Brick and Mortar "Business case" examples.
2. Understand local business culture / history and established / current climate.
3. Spend money to help (exponentially) build internal / external infrastructure.
** Suburban and local newspapers will continue to collapse under the reality that online information is available to "suburban" citizens that can pay for Internet connections. These newspapers must go online now ...
** Newspapers and printed materials such as magazines will become rare in the next 5-10 years and impossible to find in 15-25, except in certain places and at certain times ...
Discussing the prediction of the end of the print Newspaper in its current form, paper and ink. (Suburban local's and large city dailies will go first.)
Counter control:
Harness the full effect of the local blogging / digital journalism interactive model. Devise relationships and aggregation ideas.
1. Identify the most influential journalists and bloggers, SN sites,and Brick and Mortar "Business case" examples.
2. Understand local business culture / history and established / current climate.
3. Spend money to help (exponentially) build internal / external infrastructure.
** Suburban and local newspapers will continue to collapse under the reality that online information is available to "suburban" citizens that can pay for Internet connections. These newspapers must go online now ...
** Newspapers and printed materials such as magazines will become rare in the next 5-10 years and impossible to find in 15-25, except in certain places and at certain times ...
"Block Revenue",
i journalism,
specialty newsletter
Monday, February 9, 2009
Jeremiah Owyang: web-strategist blog spot.
While looking for tech spots that focus on SN I came across Jeremiah Owyang
in the SF Bay Area. Owyang is a Sr Analyst at Forrester Research on Social Computing. These web strategy reviews and blogs are excellent reading and will serve you well in helping establish a SN strategy. Check out the posting of reports that obviously come from actual research, so it's possible that you are getting nuggets of information that might otherwise cost thousands of dollars. As well, apparently when Jeremiah contacts people for lunch, they call back. 'nuff said.
in the SF Bay Area. Owyang is a Sr Analyst at Forrester Research on Social Computing. These web strategy reviews and blogs are excellent reading and will serve you well in helping establish a SN strategy. Check out the posting of reports that obviously come from actual research, so it's possible that you are getting nuggets of information that might otherwise cost thousands of dollars. As well, apparently when Jeremiah contacts people for lunch, they call back. 'nuff said.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The Obama Database ... Who owns the data? (draft)
draft v02
-Blogging on the Barrack Obama Campaign 2008 Database.
Return for ongoing updates or subscribe to our feed. Thank you.
The massive "opt-in" database launched in early 2007 by Joe Rospars (New Media Director) and the Obama team had provided the Obama '08 campaign a unique opportunity (but not a unique idea) to develop and interact with a rapid (post early adapter) following. These citizens provided an unprecedented amount of personal information while volunteering and contributing funds via Facebook, YouTube (via Obama’s own “channel”), IM, and other “real time” digital interfaces. Viral political campaigning had taken hold for good in this time frame changing the political landscape once and for all, forever. But we knew that already!
Since the Obama campaign opted out of taking matching funds and essentially had not used the DNC apparatus to run its campaign, took what many (drDigipol, CAP, Politico, Salon, Media Bureau, and many others) already knew was going to happen – a virtual candidate that owes nothing to (but is more than happy to use) old media and the old political guard while being able to take over their own destiny via an online centric advocacy campaign.
It had finally become mainstream that (starting at the RNC’s Digital Alley at the 2000 Republican Convention in Philadelphia and followed at the DNC in Los Angeles) online advocacy and activity can translate to offline, on-the-ground results. This was done not just by connecting via the Internet but allowing the user to be enabled and featured. This is contrary to all past campaigns that spent so much time and money "controlling" the message as well as the medium. With the verticalization of (the web) Social Networks such as YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook, and IM as a new strategic Real Time activator/enabler, Obama's New Media team established a permanent platform through which people could identify with (they were already “adapted” users) and use themselves as “activists.” In a rudimentary way, citizens were now part of the campaign, or so they thought. The goal was to quickly activate citizens in the following ways:
1. Ensure that all people would be accessible via a "Mobile" interface and therefore, in touch, at all times, anywhere.
2. Allow and enable for the creation of "Niche Campaigning" via use generated posting of Web Campaign based Videos.
3. Establish Microtargeting scenerios and deliver "themes" and "candidate produced" video and txt interaction directly to people who want it 24/7.
4. Utilize an already existing "Smart" user base generated on Social Networks and the skills they (users / Citizens) have acquired.
5. Buy time on networks that include (niche programming) Cable shows via country wide local programming and reinforce via txt and local “meetup” style home “events.”.
6. Openly engage the Blogosphere instead of shunning them (and in turn establishing counter control problems that could go viral) and interacting as a partner, contrary to your opponents, while offering a “possible” voice in policy and –e-government.
7. Purchase and produce Rich Media Online Ads in content rich niche markets to as to stay “interactive” with Citizen users.
8. Speak directly to niche audiences in the manner in which they are accustomed (language and content style are customized based on hyper market analysis).
9. Provide a central repository (portal) to all that is Barack Obama with that enables citizen / users to:
1. Find and take part in “local” events and groups
2. Be enabled to contact undecided voters within your demographic
3. Be heard.
So with the above, we now have a tightly controlled but an apparently loosely based, group strategy to engage and enable the Digital (2.0) Citizen .
So when the citizen / user signed up and provided the Obama campaign their personal information, did they believe that they were providing the Campaign or the DNC such personal information? We think, clearly, people volunteered their information because they believed that it would be used by the Obama campaign, not the DNC or any other entity (there was no disclaimer to state this would be the case – or was there?) Where will this information go and will citizens who signed up be asked if their information can be used for "party" happenings?
Tactics to generate such information were personal and widespread. For example, “… as the primaries and caucuses neared, what [Steve] Goodstein calls "a big experiment" started paying off. One Sunday afternoon in early December, minutes before Oprah Winfrey and Obama addressed about 29,000 people at a rally in Columbia, S.C., Jeremy Bird, Obama's state field director, asked the crowd to take out their cellphones and text "SC" to 62262, Obama's short code. The code spells "Obama" on phones.” This was done repeatedly through out the campaign generating “millions” of phone numbers and other personal info.
So, who owns the data?
Well, since it is now housed at the DNC, clearly the DNC.
draft v02
-Blogging on the Barrack Obama Campaign 2008 Database.
Return for ongoing updates or subscribe to our feed. Thank you.
The massive "opt-in" database launched in early 2007 by Joe Rospars (New Media Director) and the Obama team had provided the Obama '08 campaign a unique opportunity (but not a unique idea) to develop and interact with a rapid (post early adapter) following. These citizens provided an unprecedented amount of personal information while volunteering and contributing funds via Facebook, YouTube (via Obama’s own “channel”), IM, and other “real time” digital interfaces. Viral political campaigning had taken hold for good in this time frame changing the political landscape once and for all, forever. But we knew that already!
Since the Obama campaign opted out of taking matching funds and essentially had not used the DNC apparatus to run its campaign, took what many (drDigipol, CAP, Politico, Salon, Media Bureau, and many others) already knew was going to happen – a virtual candidate that owes nothing to (but is more than happy to use) old media and the old political guard while being able to take over their own destiny via an online centric advocacy campaign.
It had finally become mainstream that (starting at the RNC’s Digital Alley at the 2000 Republican Convention in Philadelphia and followed at the DNC in Los Angeles) online advocacy and activity can translate to offline, on-the-ground results. This was done not just by connecting via the Internet but allowing the user to be enabled and featured. This is contrary to all past campaigns that spent so much time and money "controlling" the message as well as the medium. With the verticalization of (the web) Social Networks such as YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook, and IM as a new strategic Real Time activator/enabler, Obama's New Media team established a permanent platform through which people could identify with (they were already “adapted” users) and use themselves as “activists.” In a rudimentary way, citizens were now part of the campaign, or so they thought. The goal was to quickly activate citizens in the following ways:
1. Ensure that all people would be accessible via a "Mobile" interface and therefore, in touch, at all times, anywhere.
2. Allow and enable for the creation of "Niche Campaigning" via use generated posting of Web Campaign based Videos.
3. Establish Microtargeting scenerios and deliver "themes" and "candidate produced" video and txt interaction directly to people who want it 24/7.
4. Utilize an already existing "Smart" user base generated on Social Networks and the skills they (users / Citizens) have acquired.
5. Buy time on networks that include (niche programming) Cable shows via country wide local programming and reinforce via txt and local “meetup” style home “events.”.
6. Openly engage the Blogosphere instead of shunning them (and in turn establishing counter control problems that could go viral) and interacting as a partner, contrary to your opponents, while offering a “possible” voice in policy and –e-government.
7. Purchase and produce Rich Media Online Ads in content rich niche markets to as to stay “interactive” with Citizen users.
8. Speak directly to niche audiences in the manner in which they are accustomed (language and content style are customized based on hyper market analysis).
9. Provide a central repository (portal) to all that is Barack Obama with that enables citizen / users to:
1. Find and take part in “local” events and groups
2. Be enabled to contact undecided voters within your demographic
3. Be heard.
So with the above, we now have a tightly controlled but an apparently loosely based, group strategy to engage and enable the Digital (2.0) Citizen .
So when the citizen / user signed up and provided the Obama campaign their personal information, did they believe that they were providing the Campaign or the DNC such personal information? We think, clearly, people volunteered their information because they believed that it would be used by the Obama campaign, not the DNC or any other entity (there was no disclaimer to state this would be the case – or was there?) Where will this information go and will citizens who signed up be asked if their information can be used for "party" happenings?
Tactics to generate such information were personal and widespread. For example, “… as the primaries and caucuses neared, what [Steve] Goodstein calls "a big experiment" started paying off. One Sunday afternoon in early December, minutes before Oprah Winfrey and Obama addressed about 29,000 people at a rally in Columbia, S.C., Jeremy Bird, Obama's state field director, asked the crowd to take out their cellphones and text "SC" to 62262, Obama's short code. The code spells "Obama" on phones.” This was done repeatedly through out the campaign generating “millions” of phone numbers and other personal info.
So, who owns the data?
Well, since it is now housed at the DNC, clearly the DNC.
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